The San Diego Hospitality is a well-known respected school in the city and has an outstanding reputation, dedicated faculty, rich curriculum, and fast-track career advantages in the national hotel, food service, and tourism industries. THII will continue with those time honored principles!
SDHI was founded in 1988 as one of the first hospitality institutions in San Diego. Like SDHI, THII is passionately dedicated to providing the highest standard of education to all students in preparation for careers in the hospitality industry. Our faculty members combine excellent teaching skills and extensive executive-level industry experience. THII students gain a deeper and broader understanding of the potential career growth in the hospitality/tourism industry.
Our certificate programs combine practical experience with classroom theory to assist the student to gain the understanding skills, and techniques needed to qualify for job opportunities, and to achieve his or her career goals in the hospitality/tourism industry.
The success of The Hospitality Institute International depends first and foremost on the success of our students. Their success will always be considered first in all actions, policies procedures and goals established by The Hospitality Institute International.
The Hospitality Institute International (SDHI) is a non-profit post secondary school that is passionately dedicated to assisting the hotel and restaurant industry employers with their staffing needs providing them with exceptional 21st Century and beyond employee’s who exemplify a spirit of excellence in the customer service field; diversifying the marketplace; and making viable employment opportunities available to qualified individuals to enter the hospitality career market.
The purpose of the post secondary curriculum of instructions is to prepare students for participation in the local and national labor force by improving their work ethics and occupational skills, resulting in improved long-term employability and increased earnings potential.
Any Questions a student may have regarding this catalog that has not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to:
Bureau for Private Post secondary Education
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400
Sacramento California, 95833
Phone: (916) 431-6959(916) 431-6959
Toll Free: (888) 370-7589(888) 370-7589 FREE
Main Fax: (916) 263-1897 Email:
‘A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education calling (888) 370-7589(888) 370-7589 FREE or completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s Internet Web site’
Average class size is 10
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
Institutes Non Discriminatory Policy
The Hospitality Institute International is non-sectarian and does not discriminate with regard to race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or marital status in any of its academic program activities, employment practices, or admissions policies.
Courses Offered
THII offers courses in Front Office Operations, (which consist of front desk, back office, reservations) and Food and Beverage Operations. All Courses offered are two and a half (2.5) month and a duration of approximately 280 hours each. The courses are held Monday thru Friday at different scheduled times depending on the course being taken. All courses include a trolley Tour of San Diego County and week long workshop in Customer Service. The Final form the American Hotel & Lodging Association must be completed with a 70% or above to complete the course.
Front Office Operations:
This course covers front office procedures that are standard for the Hotel Industry. This course presents a systematic approach to front office procedures by detailing the flow of business through a hotel, from the reservations process to checkout and account settlement. The course also examines the various elements of effective front office management, paying particular attention to the planning and evaluation of front office operations and to human resources management. Front office procedures and management are placed within the context of the overall operation of a hotel.
Classroom and lab training include: Reservations, guests registration and check in, posting of guestroom and incidental charges, and guest check out paying by cash or credit card. Training also includes instructions on the night audit, up selling, and revenue management. This course prepares students for entry level positions in hotels. This course includes workshops in the following areas:
Reservations: Instruct students on how to make and maintain reservation records for individuals and groups. Students become familiar with central reservation systems, housing bureaus, and types of reservations including local or city wide conventions. Students learn about pre-registration activities for groups or VIP reservations.
Bell Staff: This course introduces students to the duties and responsibilities of a bell person. Training includes effective communication Guest Security; courteous services, safe lifting and handling of luggage. Students are also instructed in safe driving habits.
Concierge: This class teaches the student to act as the ambassador for the hotel. Students learn the significance and importance of the concierge desk clearly understanding that it is the place to go for the “special requests” by hotel guests. Course teaches students how to develop a cadre of contacts and best practices on obtaining insight on the best of the best in the city. Students are taught how best to provide guests with information on local attractions, night life, travel and transportation resources.
Food and Beverage Operations:
This course will give students a basic understanding of the management process in food and beverage operations. All aspects of food and beverage operations are covered, including organization, marketing, menus, costs and pricing, production, service, safety, and finances. Course graduates receive a food handler’s card.
The Hospitality Institute International is located at 7733 Palm Avenue Ste. 201 in the city of Lemon Grove, CA. 91945. The Institute is easily accessible by car or by bus, and or trolley from all parts of San Diego County.
The Hospitality Institute International has determined that the lack of access to transportation should not be a barrier to working and starting a new career. The Institute is committed to providing school campuses that are transit friendly.
Admissions Requirement and Procedures
All THII applicants are required to take the COPS and ABLE test to determine interest and reading and math competencies. A sixth grade reading and math score is required on the ABLE testing battery. Each applicant will then complete a personal interview with the Administrator in order to mutually determine whether the program meets the needs of the applicant. In addition, all applicants must be able to demonstrate access to fiscal resources adequate to meet the financial obligations associated with the training.
Tuition and Fees
The tuition for any class at THII is $4,000.00 with a $250.00 registration fee. THII reserves the right to change tuition and fees, make curricular changes when necessary, and make substitutions in books and supplies as required without prior notice. Any changes in tuition or fees will not affect students in attendance or enrolled.
Payment Policies
Students assume the responsibility for payment of the tuition costs in full, either through direct payment or through a financial aid plan. All financial arrangements must be made before the beginning of classes. THII will contact students who are delinquent in paying tuition and fees. They will then be counseled and encouraged to make specific arrangements with the Institute in order to remove their delinquency and remain in good financial standing.
The Hospitality Institute International accepts payment for tuition, books, equipment, and other fees through cash payment, or personal company checks. At the Hospitality Institute International's discretion, installment payments may also be arranged. All outstanding student account balances are billed directly to the student before graduation or termination. Failure to satisfy delinquent accounts within a reasonable time period will result in the account being submitted to a Collection Agency for processing and the student will not be allowed a certificate from the American Hotel & Lodging Association.
If a student obtains a loan to pay for an the educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of any refund and if the student has received federal student aid financial funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the moneys not paid from federal student aid program funds.
Notice of Cancellation
Students have the right to cancel the Enrollment Agreement signed for a course of instruction including any equipment, such as books, materials, and supplies or any other goods and services included in the Agreement, until midnight of the seventh business day of enrolling in the course up until the first day of the first class you attend. Business day is that day on which you were scheduled to attend a class session. Cancellation maybe effectuated by the student’s written notice, or by the student’s conduct, including, but not necessarily limited to, a student’s lack of attendance. Cancellation shall occur when you give written notice of cancellation, using the cancellation form received during orientation and must be delivered to the Office Administrator at:
7733 Palm Street Ste. 203
Lemon Grove, CA. 91945
The Cancellation Notice should be delivered before the seventh (7th) day of enrolling in the institute or on the first full day of class, for a full refund. Any applicable refunds will be issued within 30 days of the date of cancellation. If you cancel after the designated cancellation dates for full refund, subsequent refunds are based on a percentage rate.
Refund Policy
You have the right to withdraw from a course of instruction at any time. If you withdraw from the course of instruction after the period allowed for cancellation of the agreement, and you are a cash paying student, the school will remit a refund less a registration fee, if applicable, not to exceed $250.00 within 30 days following your withdraw. If your source of payment was a grant issued through the state or a school loan, we will contact the issuer and provide a refund to them directly. You are obligated to pay only for educational services rendered. The refund shall be equal to the amount paid by student for instruction in excess of the amount owed by student. The amount owed to the student for purpose of calculating refund is derived by multiplying the total hours attended by the hourly charge of instruction plus the amount of registration fee. For further explanation please see example below.
% Compl. 25 50 60
Refund Due $3,000 $2,000 $1,600 $1,000
Student Tuition Recovery Fund
The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency programs attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Post secondary Education.
You may be eligible for STRF if you are a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:
1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed.
2. The school's failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the closure of the school.
3. The school's failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs.
4. There was a material failure to comply with the Act or this Division within 30 days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30 days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau.
5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove, and collect on a judgment against the institution for a violation of the Act. However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.
If any portion of your tuition was paid from loan proceeds, the refund will be sent to the lender or agency that guaranteed the loan. Any remaining refund amount will first be used to repay any student financial aid programs from which you received benefits, to the extent of benefits received. Any remaining amount will be paid to you, the student.
You may also be eligible for STRF if you were a student that was unable to collect a court judgment rendered against the school for violation of the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education Reform Act of 2010. You must pay the state-imposed fee for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) of all of the following applies to you
You are a student, who is a California resident and pre-pays all or part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans.
Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF fee if either of the following applies:
You are not a California resident.
A third party, such as an employer pays your total charges; government program or other payer and you have no separate agreement to repay the third parry.
Questions regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400
Sacramento California, 95833
Students are expected to maintain good attendance. The student must complete his/her program within the scheduled program length. Students should strive to attend consistently in order to master the required skills in the time allowed. Failure to attend regularly and progress satisfactorily may result in loss of a desired attendance schedule or possible dismissal from the program.
Veterans Program
Since the beginning of man’s history, all great nations have honored, respected, and provided certain benefits for their veterans, realizing that had it not been for the sacrifices of men and women who fought their battles, the nations themselves would cease to exist. Enlightened persons know that veterans have made many sacrifices for their country, which are not demanded of the majority of citizens. For this reason, the San Diego Hospitality Institute has expanded its training and job placement programs to focus on our veterans for civilian employment in the hospitality industry.
The Hospitality Institute International (THII) is continuously refining and improving its program and its services to produce superior employment results for our partners in the hospitality industry.
THII has now included employment training for San Diego’s Veteran’s population. Above all, THII recognizes the ultimate need to enable our eligible men and women veteran population to achieve civilian optimal training and employment in the hospitality industry.
Goals for Veterans
Provide the full continuum of quality free civilian training, i.e. Front Office Administration and Food and Beverage Operations.
Check class descriptions and hours required for Completion.
Maximize our efforts for employment in the hospitality industry for all of our students.
Provide a list of resources, i.e., health care, where to find housing in a compassionate and humanitarian manner for our Veterans.
Promote a strong support for our Veterans.
THII encourages students to be “on time” for all activities, appointments and classes. A Student who arrives more than fifteen minutes late for class or who misses an hour of class time during any given class day is considered absent for that class.
Make Up Classes
The Hospitality Institute International does not require a student to make-up missed classes. Make up classes are not specifically scheduled and are never guaranteed. However, missed classes can be made up on a drop-in or space available basis within two weeks from the date the original class was missed. In no event will make-up classes be provided for students after the scheduled end of the module.
Leave of Absence
Students are entitled to take only one leave of absence during any academic module. The duration of the leave of absence may not exceed 3 days. Requests for leave must be submitted to the San Diego Hospitality Institute Administrator and must include an anticipated return date and be signed by the student. Failure to return to SDHI as scheduled without prior written notification to and approval from the Institute’s Administrator will result in immediate dismissal. Any refund will be made within 30 calendar days from the end of an approved leave of absence.
The Hospitality Institute International Administrator may grant leaves of absence and/or waive interim satisfactory standards for circumstance of poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrences outside the control of the student. It must be demonstrated by the student that the circumstances had or will have any adverse impact on the student’s satisfactory progress in the Vocational Training program. No waivers will be provided for graduation requirements. Time for an approved leave of absence will not be included in the calculation of a student’s maximum program length.
Attendance Probation
Chief Admissions Officer monitors’ student attendance records of all active students and calls those students who have missed days during that week. Students are required to have an overall attendance rate of 78% or more to meet the minimum attendance requirement of the program. A student who has consecutively missed more than one-fourth of the scheduled class hours in any given level or module will be put on probation until the end of the next scheduled level or module. A probation letter will be sent to that student. If a student misses two consecutive days of scheduled class sessions, the student will be put on attendance probation.
Admission's Department
The Admission’s Department is responsible for maintaining student files of all the current students enrolled at THII, on-going status records and monitoring of student progress throughout the program. The Admission’s Department is expected to keep the student database updated at all times and to generate weekly and monthly reports for all departments. Should you have any questions regarding academic progress, financial obligations or legal status, please take the time to seek advice in the Admission’s Department.
Termination, Appeal, and Reinstatement
Students who find it necessary to discontinue their training, they should arrange to meet with the admission’s department to discuss their situation and submit written notification of their request. Students shall be terminated for failure to fulfill their financial obligations to their agreement with The Hospitality Institute International.
Whether termination of enrollment is voluntary or involuntary, students should realize that they would remain obligated for the amount of tuition and fees due to The Hospitality Institute International based on the refund policy. Students have the right to appeal dismissal decisions made by the Institute administration by submitting request to the Institute’s CEO/COO describing any mitigating circumstances or conditions, which warrant special consideration. If the appeal is accepted, the student may be reinstated according to special terms or conditions stipulated by the Institute’s director. A part from the registration fee of $250.00, including supplies for the course, there are no other administrative costs associated with withdrawal or termination.
Collection’s and Servicing Procedures
Each day as payments are received, THII processes these payments and updates the student account record. Change of address and new phone numbers are also updated at that time. Student correspondence is handled daily. During each 10-day cycle, any account that is delinquent is contacted by phone.
Also, at 10-day intervals, late notices are mailed several special letters are sent to students indicating further action if payment is not received. THII sends these letters when the student has ignored earlier efforts. Each late notice contains a different message to the due student/debtor. The collection process continues as long as the delinquent account is not in our system.
Student Complaint Procedures
Most problems or complaints that a student may have with the San Diego Hospitality Institute or its administrators can be resolved through a personal meeting with the student’s instructor. If however, this action does not bring the situation to a close to the satisfaction of the student they may submit a written complaint to:
7733 Palm Street Ste. 201
Lemon Grove, CA. 91945
Student Conduct Requirements
Students are expected to dress and conduct themselves professionally while attending classes and are expected to follow all of the guidelines set out in the “Student Contract Guidelines” section of the Contract/Enrollment Agreement.
At the discretion of the school administration, a student may be dismissed from school for any serious incident. Intoxication or a drugged state of behavior, possession of drugs or alcohol on school premises, possession of weapons on school premises, behavior creating a safety hazard to other persons at school, disobedient or disrespectful behavior to other students, an administrator, or faculty member, or any other stated or determined infractions of conduct is cause for immediate dismissal from the school.
Certificate of Completion
To successfully complete the Courses, you are required to have earned the minimum points at the end of the training. You will be evaluated at the end of each training session for grades and points. Upon completion of satisfactory requirements a Certificate of Completion will be awarded.
Job Placement Assistance
THII offers Job Placement assistance to graduates of our vocational programs in order to help them to perform the following tasks related to a job search effort. This assistance consists primarily of educating students in developing the ability to successfully perform these tasks as they begin to seek employment.
Preparing resumes
Developing job interviewing skills
Identifying job position openings
Developing and utilizing a network of professional contacts who can aid the job search effort
The Admissions office is responsible for developing and maintaining a job network in the area. The Admissions Officers conduct the exit interview before the student completes the schedule program. The Admissions Officer documents if the student is already employed.
Guaranteed Disclaimer
The Admissions Department is committed to assisting graduates find suitable employment in the Hospitality Industry. The Admissions Department cannot, however, guarantee employment to any student, recent graduates, or alumni of this Institute.
Family Right’s and Privacy Act
The Hospitality Institute International complies with the confidentiality and students’ accessibility provision of the Family fight and Privacy Act of 1974 (p.L.) 93-380, section 438), commonly known as the Buckley Amendment. Confidentiality of student records is strictly protected. Information on students is not available to anyone without:
Written request/release from the student
A court order
Accreditation or other oversight agencies requirements.
A student may access his/her own records by submitting a written request to the Admissions Department.
Drug and Substance Abuse Policy
THII is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its students and to reserving the high performance standards that have been the basis for our Institute’s success. Because we believe that substance abuse impedes our ability to serve our clients and hinders our firm’s growth and prosperity, we will make every effort to provide a work environment that is free of substance abuse.
Accordingly, we have adopted this substance abuse policy in order to eliminate prohibited substances in the work place. This policy is designed to ensure that our work place is safe and productive. It enforces the Institute’s position that students who have a substance abuse problem are encouraged to seek counseling and treatment.
Prevention of Abuse
No persons are to use, possess, sell, or distribute alcohol or other illegal controlled substances, nor may use, nor possess drug paraphernalia, on school grounds or at school sponsored events, except drugs as prescribed by a physician. This prohibition applies to all students as well as employees.
The term “alcohol and other substances” shall be construed throughout this policy to refer to the use of all substance including, heroin, and any of those substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs.”
The inappropriate use of prescription and over-the counter drugs is also prohibited. Additionally, the following persons shall be prohibited from entering school grounds events; any person exhibiting behavior, conduct, or personal or physical characteristics indicative of having used or consumed alcohol or other controlled substances.